This article was updated in 2024 with the RECOVER guidelines, available here.

Would you know what to do if you found your dog unconscious or not breathing?

Have you ever wondered what to do if your dog suddenly collapsed in the middle of the park – would you know how to give your pet the best chance of survival?  Many people in this situation would panic, or possibly try to adapt what they know about giving human CPR.

However dogs aren’t quite like us.

Read on to learn everything you need to know about CPR for dogs and how to hopefully save their life.

How do you know if a dog needs CPR?

Human safety always comes first, so ensure you approach with caution.

Firstly, you’ll need to check for:

  • Response – do they respond at all when you call their name or touch them? If not, they are unresponsive.
  • Breathing – is their breathing normal? If they are not breathing, they need help.

You no longer need to check for a pulse. If the dog is unresponsive and not breathing, start CPR immediately.

Check for danger, check for response, call for help, open the airway and clear any obvious obstruction.

CPR for dogs

If the dog’s airway is clear, they aren’t breathing, and the colour of their gums isn’t a healthy pink colour (indicating that the circulation is not functioning normally) and they have a blueish tinge to them instead, then immediate CPR is needed, to give them a chance of survival.

Firstly, turn the dog onto its right hand side.

Deliver 30 chest compressions at a rate of 120 bpm, then 2 rescue breaths, then immediately another round of 30 chest compressions.

Rescue breaths should be delivered with the animal’s neck and head in alignment with their spine. This avoid obstructing the airway.

Dog resus

You should continue this until additional rescuers arrive or the animal starts to breathe for themselves.

Be aware that there is always a danger when giving CPR to animals. If you feel there is personal risk involved in giving rescue breaths (ie bites), just do chest compressions.

When to start giving CPR to an animal?

Immediately give chest compressions, as studies have shown that the longer chest compressions are delayed, the less likely they are to survive.

How to give chest compressions to animals?

Push hard and fast, 30 compressions, followed by 2 breaths.

CPR dog

Where to give chest compressions on a dog?

Look at the above poster to see where you should be applying chest compressions for different shaped dogs.  Chest compressions should be done with the animal  lying on their side, aiming to compress the chest to 1/4  of its width, at a rate of 100–120 compressions per minute.  It’s important to pull back after each press to let the chest rebound fully, rather than keeping the chest in the compressed position.

Continue the compressions and rescue breaths until you can hear the heartbeat and feel or hear regular breathing. When your pet recovers and is breathing once again, do seek your vet’s advice.

Giving compressions can be tiring, especially in larger dogs. If it is possible, swap with someone else. If you do swap, do so during rescue breaths as there shouldn’t be any pause in chest compressions.

Want a Free Dog Choking Course?

To learn more – and to give yourself the extra confidence you may feel you need – please visit our sister site for our free dog Choking course

First Aid for Pets provides this information for guidance and it is not in any way a substitute for veterinary advice. The author does not accept any liability or responsibility for any inaccuracies or for any mistreatment or misdiagnosis of any person or animal, however caused. It is strongly advised that you attend a practical First Aid for Pets course or take our online course to understand what to do in a medical emergency.

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